
There are five domains in educational /Instructional technology. All the Domains represent a major activity which includes activities to be carried out as part of the main activity.

Instructional Design is the planning phase; the catalyst which describes the planning to be considered in developing a solutions to a learning problem. The instructional designer employs:
·         a systematic design approach
·         analyze learner and the learning condition
·         choose the suitable method of instruction
·         designs the learning materials
·         adopts proper way to implement the instruction and
·         Evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen instruction.
For example the ADDIE structure which implies as Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation comprises many models so that the designer guides to approach specific problem.
It is important that the instructional designer consider the knowledge of the theories to choose the best to impart in learning in order to accomplish the objectives. Thus it is important to select the learning strategies along with the sequence of instruction based on the three learning theories namely behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism respectively.
It is the instructional designer who is responsible of design decisions and use instructional theories and strategies in order to develop the instructional materials to meet the participants need. That’s how the designer connects and reach the next phase Development.
It involves the process to interpret the needs of the instructional design into a physical form which varies greatly with advancement of technological tools used in the past and present. According to Seels and Richey (1994), this domain originates in the audiovisual and media production field. The four areas in technology comprises print (graphic ad photographic), audiovisual (videotape, film, and sound recordings), computer-based, and integrated.
The development domain can be concise as:
·         Print technology :encompass the required materials for the learner and the instructor
·         Audiovisual technology: delivery of learning messages or content via sound and visual images such as sound recordings video clips etc.
·         Computer based technologies: use of electronic stored data in digital form such as   teleconferencing, instruction on CD-ROM's, distance learning education etc.
·         Integrated technologies: several forms of media composted with computer such as Learning through internet or integrate developmental technologies.
It’s been for decades of utilizing audiovisual materials by individuals in providing instruction. The rapid expansion of instructional technology field together with the desire of systematic design of instructional materials also increased (Seels & Richey, 1994).  This domain focuses on both the designed and developed instructional materials in order to implement for the users in interacting with the innovation. It is the instructional designers who needs to facilitate both the implementation and utilization process. Utilization domain can be briefed as effective use of
·         Utilizing the Media
·         Dispersion of innovations
·         Implementing and institutionalized finally
·         Societal Rules and regulations
The Instructional Designer has to consider the instructions that are going to use and have a plan developed to ensure the instruction to be received enthusiastically.
This domain involves plan, organize coordinate and supervise the instructional technologies and the instructional designer undertakes multiples of roles with a huge responsibilities. These roles include leadership, motivator and assists in managing the project of instructional design. For instance as a manager the instructional designer plans the scope of the project, budget, constraints etc. and make sure the effectiveness the instructional design project. The domain of management consists of
·         Project Management,
·         Resource Management,
·         Delivery System Management, and
·         Information Management
All of the above sub-domains is apprehensive for the plan, monitoring and keep control of the effectiveness in implanting the instructional design project.
This process comprise the design decisions as the domain of evaluation provides the data to the instructional designers. It is the process which determines adequate instruction for the learning process.  It undertakes in all the stages via instructional systems design process.
The instructional designer gets the benefit if he/she knows the evaluation models. It is the responsibility of the instructional designer to develop the assessments that would meet the objectives. It could be done once the instructions to be carried out is determined by the instructional designer. It is equally important that in the analysis process to analyze with different sources such as interviews or survey in order to evaluate the relevance of the instructional design project. It is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction through the objectives written at the beginning that is in the design phase. This is possible by evaluating how much the learners have achieved or mastered the content and reached the target objectives.
The main three forms of evaluation includes:

  • Criterion-reference measurement
  • Formative evaluation
  • Summative evaluation

One of the vital part of the instructional design is to evaluate and discover for any alterations before the instructional design and development is implemented, this can be done through a formative evaluation while summative evaluation can be used at the end of conveying the instruction to determine whether to accept or disapprove the innovation that was designed.

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